Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Remember this?

No I'm not referring to the day when my 3 closest friends and I wore our graduation gowns and ran around the football field making silly faces and acting like children. Although that was one of my favorite days. No, I am actually referring to how long my hair was. This picture was taken a month before I chopped off about 13 inches of hair and donated it to Locks of Love for the second time in my life. Since then I had gradually taken off more hair each time I got it cut until I finally settled with a length that I liked. The problem is that in order to maintain that length I have to cut my hair every 6-7 weeks. I know I told pretty much everyone that I loved my short hair, loved how low maintenance it is, and that I never wanted to have long hair again but I changed my mind. Impulsive, I know. But just in case you were wondering, yes it is extremely expensive to get a hair cut every 6 weeks. The funny thing is that I really like saving money, almost as much as I like spending it. So I figured that now if I'm getting my hair cut 4 times a year rather than 8 or 9, I could use the money to treat myself to more pedicures, more Starbucks, maybe a standmixer? Or I could just save it, we'll see. 

Now, you may be wondering how much influence Nick has had in this decision. He did actually prompt me to grow out my hair but it wasn't because of him that I decided to go through with it. A few months ago he started talking about how much he missed my long hair, I of course completely blew this off and basically told him to get over it because it was never coming back. But the idea stuck in my head, not to mention that i was really getting sick of the whole financial factor. So once I reached the 6 week mark last week I thought about it some more and just didn't make an appointment and still haven't made one for this week. I'm barely 2 weeks in and the length in the back is starting to annoy me but I am really loving the fact that I can actually get my hair into a ponytail which is extremely rare. There will be plenty to distract me from the annoying in between length of my hair these next few months, like working 3 in a row starting tomorrow (blah), or all the online shopping I did last night, unfortunately I spent way more than the cost of a haircut, lets end this discussion before I decide to hate myself. It's going to be rough but please, don't worry about my emotional state during all this, I'll survive. 

I'll keep some updates regarding my hair growing process (because I know everyone really cares about the state of my hair). And I'm trying to update the blog more often, yes I know I've made similar promises before, but now I have a post planned regarding my awesome experience at ACL this past weekend, I'm just waiting for Nick to send me the pictures (like maybe today????). 

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